

続・唐揚げ | Karaage, Continued




On my way home, I encountered a severe storm. I initially wanted to take the bus, but considering the unpredictable nature of American bus schedules, the ending would have been getting drenched while waiting at the bus stop. Reluctantly, I walked home, battling winds strong enough to render my umbrella useless. I’m helplessly frustrated when my shoes and bag get soaked.

Now, on days like these, nothing beats a shamelessly indulgent B-grade hearty meal. How about a mayo karaage bowl? Mix soy sauce, cooking sake, mirin, and water in approximately a 1:1:1.5:2 ratio to create a sweet and savory sauce, eliminating the alcohol by heating. If necessary, adjust the taste by adding more soy sauce or sugar to suit your preference. Reheat the karaage I made the other day in the air fryer and toss it into the boiling sauce. After about 15 seconds of coating the karaage in the pot, place it on top of a bowl of rice. Finish it off with a generous drizzle of mayonnaise, and optionally, sprinkle green onions and shichimi togarashi (seven-spice blend). There you have it.

Tomorrow's bento will also feature a mayo karaage bowl.

マヨ唐揚げ丼 | Mayo Karaage Bowl