

後ろ向きミキサー車 | Go-in-reverse Concrete Mixer Trucks


Concrete mixer trucks, commonly known as mixer trucks, are bustling around in the United States, transporting fresh concrete. In Philadelphia, the mixer trucks frequently seen are different from their Japanese counterparts—the orientation of the mixing drum is reversed. While Japanese mixer trucks have a lifted rear, American ones have an elevated front, giving them a look that seems ready to launch a missile or something of the sort. From my workplace on the 9th floor, where a main road is overlooked, when I stare vacantly at it, it appears as if mixer trucks are the only ones on the road traveling in reverse. The power of perception is truly remarkable.


参考までに、とあるミキサー車販売会社のURL: https://palanders.com/products/concrete/

For those interested, here's the URL of a mixer truck sales company: https://palanders.com/products/concrete/