

雪 | Snow


実は最近まで勘違いしていた英語がある。私は「滑りやすい」という意味の英単語をずっと"slippy"と言っていた。アメリカでは"slippery"と言う。実は両方辞書には載っているがslipperyを使う。もうひとつ、「調子どう?」という挨拶を"How’s going?"と言っていた。これは本当は"How’s it going?"である。しかしネイティブの挨拶をよく聞いても"it"はほぼ聞こえないので"How’s going?"でも通じる。こんな感じの、普通に通じてしまうが実は間違っていることがまだまだ他にもありそう。

It snowed. This is the first snowfall in Philadelphia this winter. It started yesterday and by morning, everything was covered in a pristine white. Having lived in Sapporo for over ten years, I am skilled in walking on snowy and icy roads.

There's an English word I had been misunderstanding until recently. I used to say "slippy" for something that is slippery. However, in the United States, the correct term is "slippery." Both words are in the dictionary, but "slippery" is the one commonly used. Another example is the greeting "How’s going?" I had been saying; the correct form is "How’s it going?" However, even if you listen closely to native speakers, the "it" is almost inaudible, so "How’s going?" still gets the message across. It seems there are more instances where things might sound correct and get the point across but are technically wrong.