

牛丼 | Gyudon


昆布でだしを取り、醤油、料理酒、みりんを4:3:2の比率で加え、切った玉ねぎとおろし生姜を加えて加熱する。お好みで長葱や椎茸、エリンギなどを入れてもいい。沸騰させてアルコールが飛んだら味見をし、砂糖を子さじで一回加え、また味見する。玉ねぎが柔らかくなるまで煮る。H Mart (韓国系のアジア系スーパー)で買った薄切り牛肉を加えて肉に火が通る程度まで煮込む。途中アクを取る。甘いのが好みであれば味見しながら砂糖を加える。私は甘くない方が好きなので砂糖は控えめにする。肉の火入れ加減や味を好きに調節できるので実は自分で作った方が美味しい。今回は長葱とエリンギを少し入れた。もちろん汁だく。



水 (昆布だし) 500 ml

醤油 60 ml

酒 45ml

砂糖 5 ml+

みりん 30 ml

しょうが 5 ml

玉ねぎ 1

長葱/椎茸/エリンギ (適宜)

牛薄切り肉(バラ肉) 500 g




I often wish there was a Yoshinoya in Philadelphia, but since there isn't even one in New York, it won’t come to Philly. The frozen gyudon packs from Yoshinoya are sold for about $6, which is more than twice the price of eating at their stores in Japan, but still much better value than many mediocre restaurants around. However, making it at home is even cheaper.

Start by making a dashi broth with kombu, and add soy sauce, cooking sake, and mirin in a ratio of 4:3:2. Add chopped onions and grated ginger, and heat the mixture. You can also add green onions, shiitake mushrooms, or king oyster mushrooms if you like. Once it boils and the alcohol evaporates, taste it and add a tablespoon of sugar, then taste it again. Simmer until the onions become tender. Add thinly sliced beef bought from H Mart (a Korean-Asian supermarket) and cook until the meat is just done. Remove any scum that forms during cooking. If you prefer it sweeter, adjust the sweetness by adding sugar to taste. I prefer it less sweet, so I use less sugar. Since you can adjust the level of doneness and flavor to your liking, homemade gyudon can actually be tastier. This time, I added a little green onion and king oyster mushrooms. Of course, plenty of broth is a must.



Water (for dashi) 500 ml

Soy sauce 60 ml

Sake 45 ml

Sugar 5 ml+

Mirin 30 ml

Ginger 5 ml

Onion 1

Green onion/shiitake/king oyster mushrooms (as desired)

Thinly sliced beef (short rib) 500 g


Finish by topping with red pickled ginger. It may be an exaggeration to say gyudon exists for the red pickled ginger, but since I love red pickled ginger, I pile it on generously. The photo shows less pickled ginger for visual appeal only.

牛丼 | Gyudon